Saturday, December 17, 2011

A new chapter of character creation

The new chapter of character creation focuses on "mental" characters. It's a battle of wills and only the strong survive. More aspects of mental characters will likely show up later, but for now there are two: Telekinesis and Nanotech. It starts on page 29 of character creation.

Telekinesis is focused into four schools of  telekinetic unlocks:

  • Telekinetic push
    • Focused around throwing your enemies like ragdolls
  • Telekinetic crush
    • focuses on crushing your enemy under the weight of your will
  • Telekinetic Blade
    • Create a blade of energy and become a martial supremacist
  • Telekinetic Barrier
    • Defend yourself and your allies
You may unlock any one of them for 500xp, the next will cost 1,000xp, then 2,000xp and the final will cost 4,000xp. They are further improved with MetaKinetic abilities that extend the functionality, reach, and lethiality of these abilities.

Nanotech is focused on controlling microscopic robots to wreak havoc on the battlefield. The section also boasts a lot of utility.

It too, has four schools:

  • Dualism
    • Create, convert and sieze every opportunity
  • Dominance
    • enhance yourself and manipulate your enemies into winning the battle for you
  • Espionage
    • Remain undetected and make the battles win themselves with sabotage and subterfuge 
  • Warfare
    • Emulate martial and magical prowess to break worlds

Your main resource is colonies. these hives of nanobots enhance your abilities as you invest more of them to your tasks. And, as with every other character, managing AP is critical to success.

Here's a look at the final unlocks. While all the mechanics involved may not be readily apparent (without reading the section of the chapter), the general idea of what they do should get across. While telekinesis is focused on meta-abilities, nano-tech's meta-abilities are sparse and limited. That's because many of the meta-abilities are built in to nanotech and are unlocked by using more colonies. While this isn't a philosophy I intend to employ with the entire game, it seems to give this particular section its own unique feel. While that feeling is more class-centric (something that I have worked for years to get away from) it seems to fit, and the abilities seem to synergize well with other abilities outside of chapter 4.

The "Triune" shape meta now has an experience cost. Apparently I forgot to add that part when I created the ability in the first place.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Ah, screw it. Too lazy to hyperlink.

    When I saw the changes, I was like...

    Then I read how you developed Warfare, and I was like...(see Panel 4 for relevant comment)

  3. @tubby:
