In this update we're looking at 3 new maps added to Arena, and two new weapon enchantments added to character creation.
The arena book now has three new maps in chapter three: Breakpoint, Simplex, and Reactor. The idea for all three was to just keep it simple and not add many rules past the basic ones.
All three are team objective-based maps. Breakpoint and Simplex are capture point maps while Reactor is Capture the Flag.
Breakpoint is a fairly basic control point map with a single point in the middle of a walled-in area.
Simplex takes the idea of breakpoint and condenses it, then adds a twist. There are two control points in this map with one tuned to each team. Gain points by being on your point or steal points by being on an enemy point.
Reactor is intended to the basis on which capture the flag maps will be built. Long run-routes, and extremely defensible positions can ensure a long game.
All three maps are symmetrical in an attempt to maintain balance, but none have been actually tested.
Character Creation
Character creation saw the addition of two new weapon enchants: Vengeant and Indestructible.
Vengeant allows you a free attack every time you take damage. the attack is made with your full attack bonus and does full damage, and the action is specifically tuned so that it cannot be denied to you, making this an extremely powerful enchant if you can stay in melee range.
Indestructible is exactly what it sounds like... with a caveat. the weapon can never be destroyed by any means, but it can never be modified again either, making it the last enchant you put on a weapon before calling it complete.
What's Coming
Currently, a friend and I are building a lore overhaul that's about as extensive as the combat overhaul was. these changes will have large and far-reaching effects that will change the Theory universe in a lot of really big ways... oddly enough by making it smaller. you'll just have to check back and see
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