Thursday, October 13, 2011

Equipment Update!

The Spell Matrix
Before, I would refer to this as "The number of meta-magic abilities you may use on a single spell" now I refer to it as a "Spell Matrix." This not only simplifies terminology but also allows some additional functionality in that items or other abilities can increase your "spell matrix" instead of "the number of metas you may use on a single spell" or increasing your intelligence modifier which would also increase your chance to hit with spells.

Weapon Training And Weapon Damage
Weapons have all had their damage normalized (they no longer deal variable damage). So instead of 1d8, a weapon now simply deals 4 damage with bonuses from your strength and any skills you may have taken as well as any maneuvers you may be using. Damage dice with weapons now come from overarching weapon training abilities:

Weapon Modifications
12 new weapon enchantments are finally in the game! these enchantments should add some serious lethiality to all characters.

Elemental Control- Tying it all together
Elemental control adds a new functionality to mages, allowing them to become a support class for melee and ranged combatants, while still maintaining their own ability to bring the pain.

What's to come
I printed off the character sheet recently and noticed that it needed a lot of work. I expect that it will still have the same overall look, but with some changes in spacing and some new elements.
From here, I also intend to expand the lore, but in a different way: instead of adding new races, and new conflicts, i intend to add more detail to what is already there.

This update brought to you by:
I wanted to take a second to send a big "thanks" to Freddy Meyer from the German group. This update  was mostly motivated and brainstormed by him. After coming out of the more nebulous part of the internet and knowing nothing about the system, he has helped in a lot of big ways.

so thanks, Freddy