Saturday, October 6, 2012

More new abilities

I've simplified metamorphosis to reflect both what is actually happening and the speed at which it is happening. Before, you would take "non actions" to turn your health into mana and cast a spell. This way you can passively cast spells from your health pool, which can also add an element of surprise to combat when your opponent expects that your out of mana.

I've also added a new school of telekinesis: Mindcrush. I had always admired the ability to think "I really don't want that guy to have a brain anymore" really hard. And then making it happen and watching them fall to the ground bleeding from the nose.
The damage on this one is low, but it ignores damage reduction, making it extremely powerful against heavily defensive enemies. It also fills another role I've always greatly admired: The ability to take your opponents mind and force it to do your will.
Insta-kills are nice too if you can pull them off.

Defensive martial characters got a new ability too: Sanctuary
Defending yourself against an incoming foe is nice when you know you can. But when you're outmatched you need a contingency plan, and that plan is sanctuary.

Magic characters got a group of new abilities called spelltricks, one for each school. The intention with these was that they could be use offensively or defensively on your own spells and on those of others. I could see future expansions on the mage archetypes having TONS of these.

In the up-and-coming side of the project, I am still working to add more lore as well as a new marskman archetype based around flamethrowers, grenades, and wreckless abandon for ones own safety and well-being.


  1. Been looking over this, looks really neat! Have these changes been folded in to the PDFs for download?

    1. yeah, by the time you see it up on the blog the PDFs have already been updated to reflect the changes
